5 Ways to keep safe from crime during the lockdown


We hope that the increased police and army presence on our streets means that we’re safer from crime as well as the Corona-19 virus during the lockdown. But there will always be those opportunistic thieves that take a chance, so here are some tips from Trellidor to help you stay safe while home during the lockdown.

1. Keep security gates closed and locked at all times

Open doors are the most vulnerable areas of your home because criminals can simply walk inside. This happened to a KwaZulu-Natal couple on the first day of the lockdown. They had a sliding security gate on their front door but had left it unlocked. Criminals opened the gate and robbed the couple. So, keep your security gate closed and locked at all times especially if you leave the door itself open for fresh air and sunshine.

2. Only open windows with burglar proofing on them

If you haven’t secured all your windows with burglar proofing, don’t open the ones that are not protected. They are an open invitation to casual theft, especially if cell phones and other small items are within reach. Only open windows with reliable burglar proofing on them. If your burglar proofing is of the type that can open for easy window cleaning, like Trellidor Clear Guard or Trellidor Security Shutter, then make sure these protective units are closed and locked when the windows are open.

3. Keep the door or security gate between your home and the garage closed and locked

Many of us leave garage doors open when we’re home. This is because we’re in and out of the garage, fetching tools or garden implements to use while we’re pottering about. Some homes have a door or security gate from the garage into the house and this is a weak spot that needs attention. Keep this door or gate closed and locked, especially when you go back into the house for any reason.

4. Use your safe zone passage door at night

While we’re all stuck at home and there appears to be no-one on the streets, we may get lazy about locking our safe zone passage door at night. It is not worth taking the chance. Rather continue locking this very important door or gate and make sure you and your family are safe while you sleep. Take a look at Trellidor Rollerstyle, part of the Lifestyle Range.

5. Lock up when you go out

Because it is so quiet out there, it is tempting not to bother with locking up properly when we go out to buy food, visit the doctor or go to the pharmacy. Don’t risk it. Even if you leave doors and windows open, keep your security gates and burglar proofing closed and locked. Don’t leave the keys to your security gates and windows within reach of anyone standing outside either. Keep these keys plus remote controls hidden inside a cupboard, just to be on the safe side.

For more ideas on how to stay safe at home, read more Trellidor blogs


This article was written by the EstateMate in house media team. We are a tech passionate group of people driven by our love to revolutionize the Property Tech space.